LiveJournal Space Adventure
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my game lost if I browse elsewhere?
No, your game is automatically saved in a cookie every time you take an action, so if you close the browser or click on an external link, your game won't be lost - you can continue where you left off by returning to http://thesurrealist.co.uk/space (or following the link that was posted to LiveJournal, it won't restart the adventure if you were already in it).
Can I save my game and come back later?
Not specifically, but you can just browse elsewhere and come back, as above. Your cookie will expire after a couple of days.
Are the maps and aliens and things the same every time?
Yes. The combat rolls and starting locations will be different each game, but so long as your friends and interests remain unchanged, your space adventure will have the same layout, aliens, treasure (including that carried by aliens) and weapon effects for everyone who visits it.
Why is my space adventure so disappointing?
The game is generated from the friends and interests you list in your LiveJournal profile - a smaller friend list means a smaller map, and a small (or non-existent) list of interests makes for less interesting scenery.
I've changed my profile - why hasn't my space adventure changed?
Profiles are cached for 24 hours before being refetched, to be kind to the LiveJournal API - you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your dungeon to reflect any changes you've made to your friends or interests.
Have you got something a bit less... science-fiction?
Why yes, there's the LiveJournal Dungeon Adventure, if you missed that last time around.
I haven't got a LiveJournal, can I still get an adventure?
Not at the moment, no. If you're using a blogging or forum platform that has the same sort of friends/interests data as LiveJournal and a friendly API, then email us at dungeon @ this domain and maybe we can sort something out.
Can I report a bug?
Absolutely. Either drop an email to dungeon @ this domain or tell the Surrealbot.
as part of the Surrealist Collection, on the 21st of March 2007.